Body Contouring and Abdominal Etching
Body Contouring procedures restore ideal proportions and a smoother, lifted appearance to the body. Large weight loss, pregnancy and aging can all leave the body with sagging skin and accumulations of undesired fat that is unresponsive to diet and exercise.
Through a combination of liposuction , excess skin removal, and lifting techniques, ACPS® surgeons resculpt aesthetically pleasing contour lines in targeted areas of the body. Body contouring surgery can consist of a single procedure, such as a tummy tuck to restore a tight, smooth appearance to the abdomen, or a combination of procedures to comprehensively improve the body’s overall proportions. These may include an arm lift and thigh lift, or a more extensive lower body lift to correct sagging of the abdomen, buttocks, hips, and outer thighs.
ACPS® surgeons work closely with patients to review the best available options to help them meet their goals. Recovery from body contouring varies depending on the number and complexity of the procedures performed, ranging anywhere from 1-4 weeks. Results are usually long-lasting providing that a healthy diet and fitness routine is maintained.