Houston Cosmetic Surgery Extreme Makeovers  - Plastic Surgeon Texas

Dr. Patronella Dr Newall Dr Mentz Plastic surgery Houston Texas Cosmetic Liposuction Breast Augmentation

ACPS ® Plastic Surgery Clinic * 1-877-707-2277


Abdominal Etching Cosmetic surgery Facelift Houston Texas Board Certified Houston Texas Plastic Surgeon Houston Liposuction

Our ACPS ® Plastic Surgeons are dedicated to Botox ® Results ..


ACPS Board Certified

Our Surgeons are Board Certified
For Liposuction, Breast Augmentation, Facelift or other, our highly credentialed team is ready to help local patients and also VIP treatment for those out of state and international.

ACPS Research

ACPS ® Doctors

  • Dr. Christopher Patronella, MD, FACS, FICS
  • Dr. German Newall, MD, FACS, FICS
  • Dr. Henry Mentz, MD, FACS, FICS
  • Dr. Paul Fortes, MD, FACS, FICS
  • Dr. Boynton, MD, FACS

Safety and Research

Our team is constantly working to achieve maximum results along with using the latest proven technology.

Abdominal Etching and Liposuction

Our team is skilled in large volume liposuction along with abdominal etching and contouring.

BOTOX ® Cosmetic and Dysport ™

BOTOX ® Cosmetic and Dysport ™ are effective at softening the expression lines that form around the eyes. They can also be used to smooth out creases on the forehead and the vertical furrows between the brows to give the face a younger, more refreshed look. Botox ® and Dysport™ are purified proteins that work by blocking the nerve signals that cause muscles to contract. By diminishing the muscle activity and the resulting surface creasing , a smoother appearance is restored to the areas targeted for treatment.


Hyaluronic Acid Based Fillers: Juvederm ™, Restylane ®, Perlane

These fillers utilize hyaluronic acid, a substance that is found naturally in the body, to fill in creases and folds, such as the nasolabial folds that stretch from the bottom of the nose to the corners of the mouth. They can also be used to restore youthful facial contours to areas that have become flattened or hollow with age such as the cheek pads and lower lid area. Many women enjoy the plumping effect they can add to lips, as well.

Plastic Surgeon Texas